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Join us today to help make this State and this Country better!
You need a representative that will support Montana ideals, fight for the needs of our communities and earn your respect. For someone who will take no bribes, own no stock, speak no BS, look no further cause I'm your man!
The United States is the only major country in the world that financially punishes you for seeking to better your mind and in turn improving communities around you. Having attended the Anaconda Job Corps program, I can say that the trade school itself is a free program. In fact, the school pays YOU for attending so that they may teach you
The United States is the only major country in the world that financially punishes you for seeking to better your mind and in turn improving communities around you. Having attended the Anaconda Job Corps program, I can say that the trade school itself is a free program. In fact, the school pays YOU for attending so that they may teach you more than just a trade while you're there. Certain states already subsidize tuition, as Congressman I would endeavor to make this the national standard and perhaps have Federal Colleges with no tuition costs. Knowledge should be more affordable because it does more good than bad and is a worthwhile investment moving forward. Government needs to work more closely with higher education to figure out how we can substantially reduce student debts, forgive loans and improve the student loan & grant program because the current system is a dysfunctional mess.
Climate Change has always existed, but humans are not the sole cause of it. However, we have certainly disrupted the balance of the world with all of the pollution we release onto the planet every day, year after year; we have indeed altered it for the worse. Fossil Fuels have served us faithfully over the years, that much is certain, but
Climate Change has always existed, but humans are not the sole cause of it. However, we have certainly disrupted the balance of the world with all of the pollution we release onto the planet every day, year after year; we have indeed altered it for the worse. Fossil Fuels have served us faithfully over the years, that much is certain, but with only 47 years of crude oil left on our planet, it's time to rethink how we generate power and how we can sustain it without further harm to our communities, our people and our planet. Long has Mother Earth loved us, nurtured us, safeguarded us; too long have we neglected it and we must make the changes soon before we are no longer able to. This affects the farmer just as much as the grocery store worker or student or businessman. Now is the time to trust in Science and raise our heads with our face towards the Sun.
Imagine these states so united that we have bullet trains than can take you across states, haul cargo faster, deliver medicine and aid faster, make travel cheaper. Imagine these states so united that we can put out wildfires mere hours after they break out. Imagine a more united effort to finding new cures to diseases. Imagine a country w
Imagine these states so united that we have bullet trains than can take you across states, haul cargo faster, deliver medicine and aid faster, make travel cheaper. Imagine these states so united that we can put out wildfires mere hours after they break out. Imagine a more united effort to finding new cures to diseases. Imagine a country where we change the ideology from "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" To "How are you and how can I help you do better?". As a nation we must work towards these goals, and they are all entirely within reach. If we can just stop the bullshit like this and this we could go a lot further and lot faster.
I don't believe any congressperson should own any stock. So much insider trading is practiced that it's completely rigged to make them as rich as possible while they "Represent" you. I make the promise today that I will not own any stock while in office, a man of the people is what I am and it's what I will remain.
Never have we had a Native American represent us to the U.S. Federal Government; I aim to change that and with your help,
I will.
Bribes and backroom deals do not represent this state or this country. Legitimacy and honesty are what make up your character and that character is what I will bring into office.
Second Wave Southwest Michigan cites a report by the Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI), a tribal epidemiology center based in Seattle, WA, which says that in 2016 the National Crime Information Center reported that there were 5,712 reports of missing American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls, though the U.S. Department of Justice’s federal missing persons database, NamUs, logged only 116 cases. Montana was the 5th highest State on that list; this will be one of the core grievances I bring up to the Federal Government because our current Representative doesn't seem to care.
The number of rape kit backlogs in this country is over 100,000 and growing. That is a lot of people denied justice for a crime that to some is simply not a priority. The culture around this needs to change. We can change it when those who are unaffected are just as outraged by this as those who are. I would support Federal Intervention to help local police stations around this country examine these kits harder and finally give the victims the closure they need knowing that their assaulter will not harm another and finally be put in the place they belong. In the words of the Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "Justice delayed is Justice denied."
I believe that the Land has more value than simply "Looking Nice" or a "Great Location for Business". It's relaxing and recreational to some, sacred and ancestral to others. To all, it should be viewed as deserving of our protection. I've come across this article brought to my attention by Rep. Katie Porter saying that Big Oil and Gas owns the lease to 13.9 million acres of land & water that isn't even being used. That is the equivalent of the States of Maryland and New Jersey combined! Imagine the size of Yellowstone National Park times six, unavailable to the public for any activities. Maybe after they claim another State's worth of land Congress will finally say, "Hey, maybe we should give this land back to the people".
If you don't like guns, don't own a gun. You have the right to bear arms as well as the right not to. I believe if you're put on the terror watch list, or are a danger to yourself and others, you forfeit that right. I myself own firearms and if I wanted more, I could go get them because I am a law-abiding citizen.
Same as the last, if you don't like/agree with abortion, don't get one. Sadly, families have to deal with this difficult decision everyday, and it's absolutely none of our business what their complications and hardships are. "Late Term Abortions" You need to understand that people who are 5, 6, 7 months into a pregnancy plan to have the baby. They've bought the crib, chosen a name, went to classes, etc. then get delivered horrible news. We should be more compassionate and understanding.
Medicare for All is a fantastic concept, If you say, "It's too expensive", it actually saves us money over time; this has been proven again and again. How high is your Health Insurance bill right now? Deductibles, Co-payments and Premiums? Now imagine you pay none of those ever again and don't have to fight your employers anymore for basic healthcare Insurance, and it especially saves money for small businesses who don't have the same negotiating power as big business. I refuse to let medical bankruptcy plague Americans any longer.
Keystone XL was violating sacred tribal lands & treaties, it deserved to be stopped. As I stated before, the time for oil and gas needs to be put behind us and we need to invest in cleaner, safer, renewable and more reliable power systems. We can and should start this progress immediately.
I don't believe you should be punished for achieving the American Dream but at the same time you shouldn't get a free ride. You should not pay more in taxes than the wealthiest people in this country, I pay my share and they should too.
I support higher wages and this is a good concept but would break a lot of small businesses in Montana. Each State has different needs, New York Cost of Living is a lot higher than in Belgrade, MT for example. Unless all the tax breaks went to small businesses making less than $2,000,000/yr in profits instead of Amazon and Wal-Mart (Like they should) some legitimately can't afford it. Those who can afford $15/hr but choose greed over generosity will have their names brought to light. Fair labor = Fair Pay.
Affordable Housing today is a is getting harder and harder to find and this isn't a brand new trend. There is a lot of land owned in Montana by those who live in States such as New York, Florida, Texas and California are the top 4 and charging their State prices here and it's impeding every American who wishes to one day save up for a home.
The Idea I would propose to help everyone is the Federal Government create Federal Housing by acquiring 1 city block and building a grand apartment building that would cost $300/mo for a 1 bd 1 ba Apartment, $400/mo 2bd 2ba etc. and all of the money paid in rent every month would not go to make a profit for the Government but would pay for the Utilities, Maintenance and upkeep so the property would be paying for itself after the initial build. The goal would be to put at least one of these buildings in each city to help solve the housing issue.
Listening to multiple accounts from people who feel they are being forced out of their own state because other states see a good real estate opportunity here is unacceptable and I will be taking action against these outrageous prices.
One goal that has always fascinated me is to create the S.E.B Program, S.E.B stands for Sea Exploration and Biology. It would be a government agency similar to how NASA operates and it would also consist of the best Scientists and Marine experts the United States has to offer. This fascination with space is cool and all but I want to know our entire planet before we venture into the beyond. Did you know that only 5% of our oceans have been discovered and charted? There could be a unique metal down there or cavern systems lost to time or artifacts long forgotten. The possibilities are only 5% discovered, tell me this doesn't sound exhilarating!?
I want to keep the United States at the front of discovery and innovation and the ocean is the last undiscovered frontier left on Earth, embarking on this journey would be no easy feat but anything worth doing will take effort and perseverance and we got both.
We'll go as far as we can go but the sad fact is that you need money to run a Campaign. Your donation will ensure that we can go a bit further & help me help us all.
Image Credits
1st: Flag credit to https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/permanent-raising-of-tribal-nation-flags
2nd: College Classroom credit to https://magazines.augusta.edu/
3rd: Wildfire credit to https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/843/bitterroot-inferno
4th: Blue vs Red Credit https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/democrat-donkey-versus-republican-elephant-political-362131352
5th: Rising costs of Rent https://www.dreamstime.com/wooden-blocks-word-rent-house-up-arrow-concept-high-cost-apartment-home-interest-rates-rising-real-image154792646
6th: Ocean Exploration https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/how-much-of-the-ocean-is-still-unexplored.html
7th: Helping Each other https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/silhouette-young-man-helping-each-other-764775514
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